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Formed by bare aluminum wires alloy 1350, temper H19, stranding class 2, round compact, meeting the requirements of the standard NBR NM 280.
XLPE 90 °C – Thermosetting compound of cross-linked polyethylene, black in color.
Black, Light Blue, Green
Note: other colors, on request
PVC ST2 – Thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride compound, flame resistant.
Used in fixed power and lighting installations in industrial, commercial and residential buildings, in distribution circuits and terminal circuits, and for underground low-voltage power lines. Their higher thermal class allows greater current-carrying capacity.
NBR 7287 – Power cables with solid extruded cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation for insulation voltages from 1 kV to 35 kV.
NBR NM 280 – Insulated cable conductors.
NBR NM-IEC 60332-1 – Test methods for electric cables under fire conditions –
Part 1: test on a single conductor or insulated cable in vertical position.
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